
15 September 2011

What destiny is? Can it be improved?

While walking the path of life, each moment requires some activities. We remain fully involved in the chain of activities and our life reveals the direction. Continuous process of uncovering the next move of life from unknown to known is a destiny. We never know destiny unless it is manifested.

Men and women have been trying to forecast destiny since the beginning of civilization. Many methods and branches like astrology, numerology, palmistry and many more have been developed to know destiny but destiny yet remained as a mystery.

Some people have a strong belief that everything in the life is pre-decided and revelation takes place as per the destiny. However, it is a myth because destiny remains secret. Then what the truth is? Is our destiny pre-decided or is it a continuous process of creation?

Universe seems in harmony. Good harmony cannot be co-incidents. It requires synchronicity. The synchronicity could not be left on chance or probability. It requires planning. If the smallest business meeting is pre-planned, marriage ceremony is pre-planned, the time-tables of railways, buses and planes are pre-planned, construction of building is pre-planned, and then why the biggest universal organization should not be pre-planned? If trillions and billions of activities happening at every moment in the universe were not pre-planned, then they could not have run in a well-organized way. But the flexibility is required to adjust new and arising circumstances to stabilize the world. Therefore, even though universe is pre-planned, there is flexibility in pre-planned.

Manifestation of the universe is continuous process from unseen to seen, unknown to known. Every present action, after taking our reaction dissolves into invisible. Universe is transforming at invisible level. At next moment, changed universe, modified event is manifested. Entire pre-planned universe is revolutionary. During continuous moving series of revolutions, our fortune is built up due to universal action and our reaction in the present.

Pre-planned destiny is the direction for living of individual who does not make efforts to live other than what is in destiny. But the destiny is flexible and always subject to change for those who desire to improve. Hence even if the desired thing is not in our destiny it can be created.

Good destiny can be created by performing good actions. The principle of cause and effect is the law of Karma, which is well accepted all over the world. Every action creates its equivalent effect or reaction. Our action becomes the cause of the next step of our life. Thus series of actions creates future course of life, which we call our destiny. Therefore, selecting and doing good actions are the best tools for creating a better destiny.

But the cycle of cause and effect is very vast and complex in time and space. Some times the results are not exactly what they should be according to the actions. Moreover, every action does not create an immediate effect. The effects may accumulate and may not uncover at all during the present life. Perhaps we may never be able to understand the law of cause and effect precisely. Therefore, destiny remains a mystery to us.

However, the destiny can be improved as per our wish. It can be improved by using power of our mind, influence of our thoughts, changing our beliefs, developing our virtues, utilizing natural laws of universe and exploring the potential of universe. But, the materialistic approach to improve the destiny does not work alone. The destiny being a mystery, its improvement according to our wish is only possible when all the materialistic knowledge is used in context of the spirituality, which is described with related topics throughout in the book “Self Elevation” – creating wealth wisdom and peace by Dr. Jayanti Rusat.

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